Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny

Management Committee


Report of the Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development  


June 2021

Organisational Development


1.        To provide members with an update on its approach to organisational development



Organisational Development Plan

2.        The council pre-covid had committed to an Organisational Development plan.

3.        The OD plan was developed through significant consultation with all staff across the Council, including surveys, interactive charts, and focus groups with staff and the Executive.

4.        This organisational development plan sets out how we will build on what we have learned to support our staff deliver services across the city through new or amended operating models, embrace more agile and flexible working arrangements and increase skills through continual professional development.

5.        The Organisational Development Plan has 7 key themes, which can be seen below.  All are equally important elements and many activities are interdependent on each other and link to the eighth area on the diagram of being an open and effective council.

6.        Annex A takes you through the detail behind each of the key themes.

7.        A lot of work is ongoing, recognising that for 12 months during the pandemic actions were modified in response to covid, all of which had a strong focus on the workforce and its health & wellbeing from outset.  The committee is aware from previous reports received, of the activity supporting health & well being.

8.        Activity that has been going is the development of staff engagements and visibility of the leadership team through, engaging staff through regular staff surveys throughout the pandemic and listening to what our staff have to say.  There has been a huge deployment of technology to enable staff to work from home and deliver the services in a remote setting, ensuring they have the right equipment to do their role. 

Current focus

9.        It should be noted that a lot of work is already ongoing through the changes as a result of Covid and this will continue and be built upon.

10.    We are focusing in our Apprenticeship offer both for the development of staff and new start apprenticeships.  We continue to recognise staff through the monthly staff recognition scheme.  The induction process is being developed to enhance access to information in a timely manner and to support local induction for new staff. 

11.    Significant work has started to embrace more agile ways of working, experienced over the pandemic.  Staff have completed a survey on this and are supportive of this more agile approach. Engagement events have occurred across senior management groups, staff focus groups and a survey is currently out to obtain feedback from members.  It is key that the council gets this right and that the culture and behavioural changes to support this approach are embedded, along with changes to the physical environment.

12.    Ensuring the workplace is fit for purpose to support staff, members, partners and customers using our buildings and service is essential and a great opportunity to enhance our offer.  Hybrid technology to support agile working is being progressed for the use of all within the workplace.

13.    The development and support to our managers is a key focus over the next 12 months.  Working differently in an agile environment will be challenging, however with the right support to managers this can be achieved.  Our Managers are able to ensure the delivery of the Organisational Development Plan across all the themed areas and its important that they are engaged and supportive of what we are trying to achieve together.

14.    Continued engagement with staff through the methods we have developed over the past 12 months will continue, and feedback from staff is extremely positive.

Next Steps

15.    The Corporate Management Team is taking some dedicated time during June to focus on the OD Action Plan and to prioritise the work for delivery in the next 12 months. That action plan and prioritisation schedule can then be used to measure performance against the plan.

16.    It is key for our staff to continue to be engaged with the OD plan, as many staff were involved in compiling it.  As the work from the CMT session is finalised this will be used to engage staff and bring them into work streams so they can directly influence the outcomes.

17.    There was no consultation involved in the production of this report.


Council Plan


18.    The information outlined in this report is in line with the revised Council Plan and the Organisational Development Plan.



19.    There are no implications associated with this report.  As elements of the OD plan are developed there will be implications and these will be picked up through the individual pieces of work.



Risk Management


20.    This is a key plan for the authority in achieving its priorities against the council plan, therefore the risk of not developing and implementing the organisational change through its people may risk delivery against the Council Plan.




21.    To consider the information provided in the report.

Reason: To inform the Committee of the Organisation Development Plan and its actions.

Contact Details


Trudy Forster

Title Head of HR

Tel: 01904 551030



Chief Officer responsible for the report:

Ian Floyd

Title Interim Head of Paid Service

Tel: 01904 551030





Report Approved








Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all





For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:


All relevant background papers must be listed here.  A ‘background paper’ is any document which, in the Chief Officer’s opinion, discloses any facts on which the report is based and which has been relied on to a material extent in preparing the report (see page 5:3:2 of the Constitution).        




Annex A – Organisational Development Plan - Summary



HR    Human Resources

OD    Organisational Development